Bughouse Chess Videos
Chess: Super GM Bughouse Chess
Just for fun after midnight! Karjakin, Radjabov, Leko and Giri in a private afterhour, after the prize award of the European Chessclub Cup 2015 in Skopje, bughouse challenge.
Like Clockwork – Bughouse Chess
Nova and Piippis routinely obliterate enemy defenses. We stream on Twitch: Follow us on Twitter:
TEAM SPIRIT! Doubles Chess (Bughouse) helmsknight + chickencrossroad vs 12teen + HisokaCC (PART TWO)
Today helmsknight and chickencrossroad face off again against 12teen and HisokaCC. There were ups, there were downs, but most of all there was STRONG TEAM SPIRIT. Watch as the levels of excitement, suggested to us by catask, grow once more and bring us many epic games! Broadcasted live on Twitch — Watch live at
One very dramatic rated simultaneous bughouse chess game (10 seconds for move bronstein alias delay)
Something You cannot see on other chess servers: one very dramatic bughouse chess game played in a bit slower time control 10 seconds for move (bronstein alias delay) as rated bughouse simul.